Planetarium Messier Marathon

Tue, Jun 11, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Los Alamos Nature Center
2600 Canyon Rd , Los Alamos , NM  87544

Admission: $8/adult, $6/child. 


A Messier Marathon is an attempt to find as many Messier objects as possible in one night. Usually this is done outside, but we are going to see how many we can view in the planetarium in one evening!  

The Messier objects are from a catalog by Charles Messier who was looking for comets. In the process of searching for the faint glow of a comet, he made a catalog of over 100 things he found that were NOT comets. With time and stronger telescopes, we now have a better understanding of what these objects are, but the objects are still referred to by their “Messier number.”  


Admission for the program is $8 for adults and $6 for children. Events in the planetarium are not recommended for children under age 4.



Admission: $8/adult, $6/child. 



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