Night Sky in September

Fri, Sep 6, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Los Alamos Nature Center

Admission: $8/adult, $6/child.


Take an interactive tour of the current night sky and learn about which planets, constellations, star clusters, and more are visible. Also see what to look forward to in the rest of the summer night skies.

About the presenter: Galen Gisler was born under the dark and starry skies of eastern New Mexico and eventually found his way back to his home state. He traveled the country and world pursuing his education in astrophysics and working at various observatories. In 1981, he began a 25-year career at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Galen has been involved in a variety of activities including extragalactic gets, particle beams, plasmas, astronomical transients, adaptive processing, and hydrocode simulations of impact processes and tsunamis. Although semi-retired, Galen works as an Associate at LANL on ways of defending the Earth against asteroid impacts.

Events in the planetarium are not recommended for children under age 4.

Admission: $8/adult, $6/child.

Photo: The Summer Triangle is one of the objects visible in the night sky. Long exposure shot of Deneb (brightest star, near center), part of the Summer Triangle. Photo credit: Flickr user jpstanley / License.





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