Astronomy Guide

This guide initially displays things that you may be able to see over the next few weeks. Use the selector below to find items by name, regardless of time of appearance.

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Astronomy References

Archaeoastronomy (solstices and equinoxes)
NASA (eclipses, transits, moon phases)

Subject Area Experts (all guides)

Steve Cary (butterflies)
Beth Cortright (insects)
Terry Foxx (invasive plants)
Leslie Hansen (mammals)
Richard Hansen (fish, mammals)
Dorothy Hoard (butterflies, trees)
Chick Keller (flowers, herbarium)
Shari Kelley (geology)
Kirt Kempter (geology)
Garth Tietjen (reptiles)
David Yeamans (birds)

Web Development and Content Management

Pat Bacha
Jennifer Macke
Graham Mark
Akkana Peck


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Showing 6 of 179 items.
Great Square of Pegasus

Photo: Till Credner

Great Square of Pegasus

Visible with the naked eye
Sep 15 - Jan 15

The Great Square of Pegasus forms the body of Pegasus, the flying horse. The horse flies upside down for most of its path across the sky. Pegasus's hind legs are part of the constellation Andromeda, named for the mythological daughter of Queen Cassiopeia.

Andromeda Galaxy

Photo: Adam Evans

Andromeda Galaxy

Visible with the naked eye
Sep 15 - Jan 30

The Andromeda Galaxy is the most distant object (at about 2.5 million light years) that can easily be seen with the naked eye.


Photo: Vzb83


Visible with the naked eye
Nov 01 - Feb 01

Look for Orion the Hunter, high in the southern sky. Three bright stars in a line make up his belt. The very bright star to the left of Orion is Sirius, the dog star and the brightest star in the sky, part of the constellation Canis Major, Orion's faithful Big Dog which follows him everywhere.

Orion Nebula

Photo: Ole Nielsen

Orion Nebula

Visible with binocular
Nov 01 - Feb 01

The Great Nebula of Orion, or M42, is a huge cloud of hydrogen gas in which young stars are being born. It lies roughly 1.3 light-years away from us. You can find it easily in binoculars. It is the cloud around the middle star (actually four stars, called the Trapezium) in Orion's sword (not his belt).

Double Cluster

Photo: Rawastrodata

Double Cluster

Visible with binocular
Sep 01 - Apr 01

The Double Cluster in Perseus consists of two groups of young stars, with more than 300 blue-white super-giant stars in each cluster. They are easy to see in binoculars, though they are even prettier in a small telescope.


Photo: Till Credner


Visible with the naked eye
Aug 01 - Dec 31

Cassiopeia, named after a queen of Greek mythology, looks like a big letter W in the northern sky. It is a "circumpolar" constellation, which means it is visible all year, but it is highest in winter.

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