Mammal Guide

This guide initially displays all common mammals. Use the selectors below to view mammals of a particular shape, include rare mammals, or search for them by name.

Mammals are defined as warm-blooded vertebrates with hair or fur and sweat glands — in the females mammary glands, modified sweat glands, produce milk to nourish the young. Most mammals develop a placenta which enables the feeding of the fetus during gestation and give birth to live young. In addition, although most mammals walk on land, many have specific adaptations that allow them to swim, fly, leap between tree branches or even dig extensive tunnels. Many wild mammals are used for both food and fur. while other have been domesticated for their agricultural and scientific importance.

New Mexico ranks high for mammalian diversity in the states in the US and the Pajarito Plateau is home to many of these species. This guide describes all of the larger wildlife found in the area as well as the more common smaller animals with the most abundant being rodents. Local species range from carnivores like the mountain lion and bobcat to ruminants like elk and deer to to several varieties of bats.

Mammal References

Biota Information System of New Mexico
Bogen et al. 1998 Continued Studies of Bat Species of Concern in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico [PDF]
Frey et al. 2006 Checklist of New Mexico Mammals [PDF]
New Mexico Tech Mammalian Field Guide
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History North American Mammals
Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Profile – Los Alamos Laboratory Lands [PDF]
Tyrell and Brack 1992 Survey for Bats in the Los Alamos National Environmental Research Park

Subject Area Experts (all guides)

Steve Cary (butterflies)
Beth Cortright (insects)
Terry Foxx (invasive plants)
Leslie Hansen (mammals)
Richard Hansen (fish, mammals)
Dorothy Hoard (butterflies, trees)
Chick Keller (flowers, herbarium)
Shari Kelley (geology)
Kirt Kempter (geology)
Garth Tietjen (reptiles)
David Yeamans (birds)

Web Development and Content Management

Pat Bacha
Jennifer Macke
Graham Mark
Akkana Peck


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Showing 2 of 59 mammals.
Northern Raccoon

Photo: Hari Viswanathan - Crittercam

Northern Raccoon

(Procyon lotor)

Family: Procyonidae (Raccoons, Ringtails, and Coatis)
Size: 24 - 37 in (61 - 94 cm)

Status: native; uncommon
Habitat: woods and forests, wetlands, meadows, suburbs and rural areas
Typical location: White Rock

The Northern Raccoon is highly intelligent and very adaptable as to where it can live. It will eat almost anything it finds. These animals are primarily active from sunset to sunrise. Their most import sense is that of touch. They have hypersensitive front paws that become pliable when wet. They often move along a shoreline picking up a food item from under the water and rubbing it with their paws, appearing as if they are washing the food. Their most distinctive feature is their dark facial mask surrounded by white. The mask is thought to give them better night vision.

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Ring-tailed Cat

Photo: Hari Viswanathan

Ring-tailed Cat, Ringtail, Miner's Cat, Marv Cat

(Bassariscus astutus)

Family: Procyonidae (Raccoons, Ringtails, and Coatis)
Size: 24 - 32 in (61 - 81 cm)

Status: native; uncommon
Habitat: rocky areas, wooded areas with hollow trees
Typical location: Los Alamos

A rarely-seen nighttime visitor. This one was photographed while raiding a hummingbird feeder on North Mesa. This small procyonid is solitary and rather shy. It is an omnivore, consuming fruits, insects and a large variety of small birds, rodents and reptiles. It produces numerous clicking and chattering sounds as well as a loud bark.

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