Track Guide

This guide initially displays common tracks of all shapes. Use the selectors below to view particular shapes, include rare species, or search by name.

Anything that moves over the ground leaves some sort of marking of its passage. In particular, footprints left behind in soil, snow, mud, or other ground surfaces provide a means of recognizing different species. The illustrations and characteristics listed below highlight key features that can be used to identify the tracks of many of the animals in the area.

Track References

Alderness Wilderness College
Animal Track ID [PDF]
Elbroch, Mark, 2003 Mammal Tracks and Signs: A Guide to North American Species
Lowery, James, 2013 Tracker’s Field Guide. Falcon Guides
Nature Tracking
North Woods Guides
Outdoor Action

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Beth Cortright (insects)
Terry Foxx (invasive plants)
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Dorothy Hoard (butterflies, trees)
Chick Keller (flowers, herbarium)
Shari Kelley (geology)
Kirt Kempter (geology)
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Showing 1 of 29 tracks.
Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, and Chipmunk

Drawn based upon US Geological Society image

Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, and Chipmunk

Photo: Robbie Spoule

Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, and Chipmunk

Photo: Thomas Vandenverghe

Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, and Chipmunk

(Sciurus, Callospermophilus, Tamias, Otospermophilu)

Family: Sciuridae (Squirrels, Chipmunks, Marmots, and Prairie Dogs)

Gait: bound
Form: small claws; long toes

Front Foot: 5 toes; 1.0 in (2.5 cm) - 1.9 in (4.8 cm)
Hind Foot: 5 toes; 1.2 in (3.0 cm) - 2.1 in (5.3 cm)

The inside toe on the front foot is very small and only registers as a small dot near the heel pad. The inner toes point forward; the outer toes point to the side.

Scat varies from small, shapeless black masses to groups of small, unconnected oval pellets. Tree squirrels use large nests located high in the pines. Their presence is often given away by their call. Ground Squirrels and Chipmunks dig burrows.

Mammal Guide - Squirrel
Mammal Guide - Ground Squirrel
Mammal Guide - Chipmunk 
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