The Pajarito Environmental Education Center has uploaded our recorded live-streamed talks and events to our YouTube channel. You can browse and watch videos from our entire catalog from this page.
The videos listed here include talks hosted by our local naturalists and scientists as well as the following series:
- Critter Chronicles — an introduction to the different critters that live at the Los Alamos Nature Center
- Nature on Tap — covering important topics for the area
- Summer Family Evenings — featuring museums and organizations from around NM; sponsored by Del Norte Credit Union
- Sustainable Holidays – videos and tips to help you celebrate the holidays sustainably
- Virtual Field Trips — video portions of the virtual Field Trip program for designed for grade schoolers

Los Alamos Nature Center Wildlife Camera

Electrification Planning: Where to Start

Corsica GR20

PumaGuard: AI-enabled Targeted Puma Mitigation

Landscape and Night Sky Photography

Nature Odyssey Camp at Valles Caldera National Preserve Early 2000s

No Child Left Indoors | Nature Adventures with PEEC | Park Flight Bird Banding

Snow Forecasting and Finding Powder Days in the Jemez and Land of Enchantment

The Effect Your Pets Have on Wildlife

Heat Pump Panel Discussion

Staying Alive in Avalanche Country

Insulate, Insulate, Insulate

Meadow Mice and More: A Season of Discovery at Bandelier

Mud Duck and Tabone "Ski" the Rainer DC Route

Climbing the Centennials of Colorado

The "Anatomy" of a Star

Wilderness Character Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West

Adventures in Indonesia

The Changing Landscape of Ultrarunning

Butterflies of Los Alamos

Exotic Invasive Plants of the Pajarito Plateau

Transitioning your Outdoor Spaces

Summiting NMs Highest 186 Peaks

Rail Diaries: Snowdonia

How and Why to Use iNaturalist

Off Trail Hiking in the Grand Canyon

Gates of the Arctic National Park

Climbing Ecuadors Tallest Volcanoes

Clever Crows, Roguish Ravens

A Celebration of Nordic Skiing: The American Birkebeiner

Skiing in Antarctica

Human Wildlife Interactions

Water Conservation at Home

Traversing the Wind River Range

Current Advancements in Assessing Climate Change

Bicycle Adventures Around the World

Chronicling Tree Carvings in the Valles Caldera

Skiing the Haute Route

71 Years of Adventure: A History of Los Alamos Mountaineers

Using Fire as a Tool

Seeding the Española Healing Foods Oasis

Rock Climbing in the Bugaboos

YBCU Working Group Meeting

Do's and Dont's Human Wildlife Interactions

Transitioning your Outdoor Space

Chronic Wasting Disease In Elk Populations

Flyfishing for Recreation, Conservation, and Exploration

Mother Daughter Paddling Trips 10 years & 125 miles of the Green River

Lessons in Tracking Wildlife

Los Alamos to Tuktoyaktuk and Prudhoe Bay