This gives details on feeding birds using suet.
The suet feeder is one of the feeders that participates in PEEC’s feeder adoption program. The birds that commonly visit the suet feeders are Pygmy Nuthatches, White-breasted Nuthatches, Acorn Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, and less often Pine Siskins and House Finches.
One suet feeder is usually hung from an angle-iron hanger that is attached to a fence post across from the observation window. In the winter, when the birds need the high energy that suet provides, we often hang a second suet feeder from one of the shepherd hooks further down the fence line.
Where you find suet: In the shed, in a white plastic bucket on the right side near that wall.
And what if the bucket is empty? Tell Bob Walker to go out and buy some more. If you can’t wait, buy some yourself (Smith’s and Metzger’s), they are often on sale, save the receipt and you’ll get reimbursed.