Litocala Moth (Litocala sexsignata) photo by Jenna E. Stanek
Bee City Los Alamos Committee
Bee City Los Alamos Committee Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 4-5 pm at the Pajarito Environmental Education Center in Los Alamos. Email us to request a Zoom link, if you would prefer to attend remotely.
Bee City Committee members serve voluntarily & without compensation to guide and implement Bee City Los Alamos activities, coordinate efforts with Los Alamos County offices, other agencies and community pollinator projects, host pollinator-related events & educational programs & serve as points of contact in the community for pollinator related questions and ideas.
As of February 1, 2024 the Bee City Los Alamos Committee is composed of the following members:
- Kristen O’Hara; Pajarito Environmental Education Center Director of Interpretation & Co-Chair of LABC Committee
- Dana Ecelberger; Bee City Los Alamos Coordinator & Chair of LABC Committee
- Cory Styron; Director of Community Services for Los Alamos County
- Angela Prada; Los Alamos County Agriculture/4-H Agent
- Jenna E. Stanek; Los Alamos National Laboratory Wildlife Biologist
- Craig Martin; Assistant Curator of the Jemez Mountain Herbarium at the Los Alamos Nature Center
- KokHeong McNaughton; Los Alamos Seed Library & Los Alamos Master Gardener
- Ruth Doyle; Landscape Architect, Los Alamos Master Gardener & Citizen