Native Bee on Gaillardia pulchella | Photo by Dana Ecelberger
Please feel free to use any of these resources to expand your knowledge about pollinators and native plants. There is always more to learn, and we will be adding to this page as new resources come to our attention. If you have a resource you think we should include, please email us at: contact@beecitylosalamos.org
Bee City Los Alamos Resources:
- Los Alamos County Recommended Native Plant List
- 2024 Los Alamos Master Gardener Conference Presentation on Incorporating Native Pollinator Plants into Landscapes
- How To Create A Backyard Pollinator Paradise Powerpoint for Backyard Pollinator Garden Project
Xerces Resources:
- https://www.xerces.org/
- Great article about Xerces’ work in New Mexico
- Monitoring & Maintaining Pollinator Habitat Guidelines
- Publications: https://www.xerces.org/publications
- Bee City USA Hub: https://beecityusa.org/
- Habitat Assessment Guide
- Creating Habitat for Stem-Nesting Bees
- Xerces At-Risk Invertebrates
- Milkweed Seed Finder
- Education Page for teaching about pollinators
- Why We Need Pollinators Hand-Out
- Pollinator Conservation for Mountain Regions, including NM
- Native Plants for Pollinators of the Southwest
- Plant Lists for Albuquerque & Santa Fe
- Planting Guidance for Santa Fe
- Creating Habitat for Stem Nesting Pollinators Hand-out
- Streamlined Bee Monitoring Protocol for Assessing Pollinator Habitat
- Bumblebees of the Western United States Guide
- Xerces Kids
- Monarch Mask to make with Kids
- Bumblebee Mask to make with Kids
- Why Getting A Hive Won’t Save the Bees fact sheet
- Pollinator Friendly Parks
- Smarter Pest Management: Protecting Pollinators At Home
- https://www.bumblebeewatch.org/
- Xerces Gift Shop Online (Pollinator Signs, gear, etc)
- Great videos about bees & pollinators:
- Xerces Classroom: North American Bee Diversity and Identification
- Tickle Bees: Insights into the Life and Times of Ground Nesting Bees
New Mexico Specific Resources
- Pocket Guide to the Bees of New Mexico
- Pollinator Partnership Guide to Pollinators & Plants for Arizona & New Mexico
- Plant List of Native Plants & Native Pollinators
- New Mexico Native Bee Project
- Native Plant Society of New Mexico
- Wildflowers of New Mexico
- Perennial Plants for Pollinators in New Mexico
- Pollinators & Trees
- Tree New Mexico Pollinators & Trees Guide
- Trees for pollinators in New Mexico
- Desert Blooms Guide of NMSU
- Master Gardeners of Los Alamos
- Los Alamos Seed Library Facebook Page
- The Los Alamos National Laboratory Pollinator Protection Plan (with mowing guidance)
- Audubon Society of New Mexico
- Randall Davey Audubon Center in Santa Fe
- Santa Fe Master Gardeners
- Santa Fe Master Gardeners Pollinator Project (Lots of great resources, plant lists and a map of pollinator gardens around Santa Fe)
- Santa Fe Master Gardeners Native Plant Project Pollinator Plant List for Santa Fe
- Santa Fe Master Gardeners Yard Habitat Certification Project
- Save Water Santa Fe Urban Forest
- City of Santa Fe Pollinator Resource Guide
- City of Santa Fe Drought Tolerant Plant List
- New Mexico Forest & Watershed Restoration Institute Plant Guides for New Mexico
- New Mexico Beekeepers Pollinator Protection plan
- Bureau of Land Management Pollinator & Native Plant Program
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pollinator Plant Recommendations for New Mexico
- Pollinator Habitat Installation Guide
- NMSU Enchanted Xeriscape Guide
- UNM Museum of Southwestern Biology Resources
- Central New Mexico Gardens Native Plant Guide
- Fire Wise NM Resources:
- Fire Wise Plant Materials
- Creating Wildfire Defensible Spaces
- Grass Seed Mixes to reduce wildfire risk
- NMSU Wildfire Safe Plant Materials
- FireWise handout for fire safe homes
- Nurseries:
- Plants of the Southwest (native plant nursery/Bee Safe nursery in Santa Fe & Albuquerque)
- High Country Gardens online plant nursery specializing in native and pollinator plants
- Native Seed Search online seed catalog with Southwest seeds
- Apps:
- Monarch Watch
- iNaturalist online citizen science app
- Bumblebee Watch
- Pest & Noxious Weed Management:
- NMSU Integrated Pest Management Guide using Insectary Plantings
- NMSU NM Noxious and troublesome weeds
- NMSU Color Guide to Troublesome Weeds of NM
- Non-NM specific Information:
- Ideas for Pollinator Garden Designs
- Article about bird decline due to insect population decrease
- Colorado Native Pollinating Insect Study
- https://www.peopleandpollinators.org/
- You Tube video “Best Practices for Pollinators”
- Grasses for Pollinators
- Utah based search engine for drought tolerant plants