December Featured Pollinator: The Globe Mallow Bee

Due to its distinctive appearance and preference for a single genus of floral host, the Globe Mallow bee, Diadasia dinimuta, is one of our most readily identifiable native bee species. Other members of the genus Diadasia specialize on cactus flowers or sunflowers, the Globe Mallow bee focuses on collecting pollen from flowers of the genus Sphaeralcea, the globe mallows. The solitary bees of this genus are all ground nesters.

Globe Mallow Bee in bright orange globe mallow

Globe mallow bee in bright orange globe mallow flower | Photo by Dana Ecelberger

Globe Mallow bees are small, less than a cm long, and are fast fliers. They have small heads and relatively short antennae. Their abdomen is dark with four light stripes, and the entire abdomen is washed with short pale or yellowish hairs, making it appear fuzzy. Both males and females have long, white hairs on their hind legs which are particularly noticeable on the females. Diadasia species are often called “chimney Bees,” because they build small chimney-shaped turrets outside of their tunnel entrances.  The function of these chimneys is not well understood, perhaps used to plug nest entrances, to prevent flooding, or to discourage invaders such as velvet ants. 

Two native species of globe mallow are abundantly found in Los Alamos County. Scarlet Globe Mallow, Sphaeralcea coccinia, is found around White Rock, and Fendler’s Globe Mallow, Sphaeralcea fendleri, grows around the townsite. Because of the long flowering season of these species, Globe Mallow bees can be found flying from mid-April to October.

Profile by Craig Martin

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