Nature News

There’s always something happening outdoors on the Pajarito Plateau!

The Marine Blues Have Landed

Good field notes were key to observations of Marine Blues in New Mexico! In addition to this reminder from the past, this month’s post contains several incredible stories, from the early life of Mourning Cloak larvae to the incredible rearing and hatching of Viola’s Oak Hairstreak.

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Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Despite the heavy drought and wildfires that have plagued our region and changed the butterfly populations in certain areas, butterfly watchers and lepidopterists have recorded some rare butterflies and interesting butterfly activity in New Mexico, including mating Desert Viceroys, Mourning Cloak larvae groups, a Nevada Cloudywing, and a Poling’s Hairstreak.

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building on the site

Sawyers Hill Trail

A place of history, this area has had many changes from the first ski area to a Girl Scout day camp, to the Santa Fe National Forest.
Have you been hoping to hike up Sawyers Hill Trail? Terry Foxx evaluates the accessibility of this trail for curious hikers.

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